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LifePath Winter Term 2022

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Make a selection to continue the registration process.

LifePath is open to anyone struggling with hurtful relationships, behaviors or attitudes. This Christ-centered environment is accepting, challenging and encouraging to those who desire to overcome and move towards emotional and spiritual maturity and wholeness. It is intentionally designed to be a safe place to facilitate hope and healing for life’s hurts.

We want you to know when you log-in your information with LifePath is secure and confidential. LifePath does not share or give out participant information outside of LifePath. Do know however, that you will receive email confirmation to all emails affiliated with your login when you register for a group.


If you have a TouchPoint account, click on "Sign In” to continue.


If you do not already have an account, make a selection (Men's Group or Women's Group) and fill out the information box below to continue.



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